Wednesday, September 12, 2007


It is finally summer break part II. I'm so happy to not be in classes. It is nice to just be able to relax, clean, finally set up my room, sit down and watch tv, even though there is absolutely nothing on. Even though the terms can be intense, it was fun at times, and I learned a lot. I feel a little more prepared to deal with senior collection when it rolls around. Right now though, I refuse to think about anything sewing related. I want to completely unwind, catch up on sleep, and act like a bum for a week.
Well, for those who have read this and enjoyed it, it has a been a blast being your DWC for the summer. I wish you guys all the best here at Drexel or wherever you have chosen to go to. Enjoy college, it goes by fast. (I know it sounds like i'm 50, but it's true.)

Wednesday, September 5, 2007


This is the worst finals week I have had yet. This whole week has just flown by and I feel like I don't have enough time to do anything. At least I have one project out of the way, although I'm not exactly sure how well I did. I will just be glad when its Friday and I can watch tv without feeling like I should be doing something. That will be awesome and I have it all planned out. After my portfolio crtique, I'm going to 7-11 and grabbing some Mint Chip Haagen Dazs ice cream, going home, sitting on the couch and watching tv all day long. I'll pretty much have the house to myself because two of my roommates will be going home, and the other will probably go out somewhere. It will be me and my old friend the television.

Did I already mention how excited I am, because I'm excited.