Tuesday, June 26, 2007

First Week of Summer

So this is the first week of classes for the summer term. This will be my second summer here at Drexel. Hopefully it will be as nice as my first one. I thought it would be terrible, but really it wasn't too bad.
My roomates and I went on adventures, since the classes in the summer tend to be easier, and most people don't have classes on Friday. We went to the shore and to the Aquarium, had a good time in the city for the 4th of July, and took some road tirps. The time goes by a lot faster than one might think. It was a little frustrating to see that my friends from home were hanging out at home and having a good time, but most of them ended up going to summer school for part of the summer anyway. Also, if I were home, it would probably be a lot more boring that some of my classes.
In the end, summer term at Drexel really wasn't half as bad as I thought it would be. Although it looks like I will have a lot of work in some of my classes, at least I will be done with my classes for the week by 12 on Thursday. I basically have a 3 1/2 day weekend. That will free up time for this summer's adventures, which may include a 4th of july trip to the shore, a trip to the Poconos, and a couple of trips to NY. This should be a pretty fun summer.

Saturday, June 16, 2007


This week was finals week and I'm so glad it's over. I had 3 exams and 2 final projects. This week has been so crazy betwen work, studying, and sewing. I'm so excited to go home and sleep for a week. It's also sad though because I have a few friends who are graduating and becoming real people. It's crazy to think that will be me in a year. The time goes by fast, so get ready guys.

Wednesday, June 6, 2007


Hello everyone! My name is Vanessa and I will be your DWC member for this summer. I thought I would tell you a little bit about myself and why I came to Drexel. I'm 20 years old and now a senior here at Drexel. I'm majoring in Fashion Design and minoring in Business Administration. I've lived in Greensboro, North Carolina, which is a medium-sized city, about an hour and a half away from Raleigh, for most of my life. However, before I lived there, I lived in LA, so I had a bit of experience with city life. It was a little bit of adjustment to move up to a city like Philadelphia. I had only been here once before I came up for orientation. However, you get used to it so quickly, and I love it here now. Transportation is easy to use, and there is a ton to do. I no longer live on campus, but i'm not far from it, about a 10-15 min walk. Most people move off campus after their frehsman year because it's much cheaper. I have 3 roommates, 2 bio majors and 1 graphic design major, so if you guys have any questions about those majors, I can ask them and get back to you. My hobbies, when I'm not in front of a sewing machine, are reading, watching tv, and hanging otu with my friends.
I learned about Drexel from research that my mom did. My choice was mainly between Drexel and Philadelphia University, so I came to visit both. It seemed like Drexel had a much more comprehensive Fashion program and the location was so convenient, so I decided to go with Drexel. I'm definitely happy with my decision, and I think you guys will be too. I hope to learn more about each of you over this summer, and I will update this blog about once a week, so check back to see what summers here at Drexel are like.