Wednesday, June 6, 2007


Hello everyone! My name is Vanessa and I will be your DWC member for this summer. I thought I would tell you a little bit about myself and why I came to Drexel. I'm 20 years old and now a senior here at Drexel. I'm majoring in Fashion Design and minoring in Business Administration. I've lived in Greensboro, North Carolina, which is a medium-sized city, about an hour and a half away from Raleigh, for most of my life. However, before I lived there, I lived in LA, so I had a bit of experience with city life. It was a little bit of adjustment to move up to a city like Philadelphia. I had only been here once before I came up for orientation. However, you get used to it so quickly, and I love it here now. Transportation is easy to use, and there is a ton to do. I no longer live on campus, but i'm not far from it, about a 10-15 min walk. Most people move off campus after their frehsman year because it's much cheaper. I have 3 roommates, 2 bio majors and 1 graphic design major, so if you guys have any questions about those majors, I can ask them and get back to you. My hobbies, when I'm not in front of a sewing machine, are reading, watching tv, and hanging otu with my friends.
I learned about Drexel from research that my mom did. My choice was mainly between Drexel and Philadelphia University, so I came to visit both. It seemed like Drexel had a much more comprehensive Fashion program and the location was so convenient, so I decided to go with Drexel. I'm definitely happy with my decision, and I think you guys will be too. I hope to learn more about each of you over this summer, and I will update this blog about once a week, so check back to see what summers here at Drexel are like.

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