Monday, July 30, 2007


I moved this weekend. It was exhausting, sweaty, sweaty work, but now I have a room with windows that serve a purpose. (As opposed to a basement apartment where half of the window was underground) My room is fairly large, and I have a pretty sweet desk that my landlord didn't feel like moving. Now we just need the bathroom fixed and to finish moving the rest of the kitchen stuff, and my roommates and I will officially be moved into our new apartment. I'm pretty excited. It's definitely much nicer than our other apartment, which is just downstairs from where we are now. There are more windows, and the light isn't being blocked by other bulidings. The only downside is that when we go grocery shopping, we have to carry them up a flight of stairs. At least I'll be getting my exercise.
However, this weeekend was not a good moving weekend. I had a lot of work that I wanted to get done. However, after moving all my stuff up three flights of stairs (from the basement to the top floor all the way in the back), I didn't want to do anything else. So, I had to stuff everything I needed to do into one day. Needless to say, I didn't get much work done at all. This summer is going to be highly unproductive if I don't get my butt in gear.
One good point, tonight is another ice cream social for orientation, so free ice cream = happiness.

Monday, July 23, 2007

Big Project

So today was my first big project due date. Going into this weekend, I was feeling pretty good about my time. I figured I would be able to be completely finished by late Sunday night. Unfortuately, that was not the case. I was up until 2 sunday night, and then I woke up at 7 this morning to finish it. It amazes me sometimes how long it takes me to do things. I have been doing sketches and flats for about 2 years now and I still underestimate the time it takes to complete an assignment. At least I'll know next time that I need a lot longer than I thought. We also had a critique on our project, which was to come up with a sportswear(which are just regular everyday clothes) collection for a given store or designer. I was extremely self conscious about my project because it was put together very quickly and not as good as the rest of the class. It didn't go as badly as I thought it would, but it wasn't great either. The next project will have to be much better, which hopefully now that I have an idea of what I need to do and how to plan my time, will be.

I think part of my problem was that I was jealous of some of my roommates. They were at the shore this weekend, and it was such a beautiful weekend to be there. I really want a nice day at the beach. I think that will definitely help me through this summer.

On a good note though, my roommates and I got tickets to the Maroon 5 concert, which happens to be 2 days after my 21st birthday. Needless to say, I am incredibly excited. It will be a lot of fun, and I'll be ready for it after this summer is over.

Monday, July 16, 2007

Convenient Location

This weekend showed me how glad I am that Drexel has such a convenient location. I had to go to New York twice this weekend. Once was for my sportswear class. I needed to go fabric shopping, so a few of my friends from class and I drove up there to spend the day. First,we went to the Met to look at the Poiret exhibit. Then we headed to the fabric stores after that. After I got back to Philly, my roommates and I went to the movies, which is a mere ten minutes away, to see Harry Potter (which was pretty good for those of you who haven't seen it yet). It is just really easy to get around from where we are. All the highways have exits and entrances at or near 30th street. The second time I had to go to NY was for the Dispatch concert I went to on Sunday (which was awesome, by the way. Madison Square Garden, completely full, everybody singing along to the songs, so cool). We drove to a stop for NJ transit, and took the train the rest of the way in. It took two hours and $20. That's pretty good to go to NY for the day. Also, any time I need to go fabric shopping in Philly, the subway is really close, the trolley stops at the corner of my street, and everything is easy to navigate (unlike some NY transit). I have a new found appreciation for University City.

Saturday, July 7, 2007

Fourth of July

This week was definitely eventful. I basically only had four classes all week long. It was awesome. I had to go to New York for fabric shopping, so I spent a day there sightseeing as well. Then, my roommates and I went to the shore to spend 4th of July. However, it rained a little and was overcast all day, so we ended up mini-golfing instead. It was still a lot of fun. We ccame back that night to see the fireworks at the Art museum. It was pouring rain so they cancelled it, only to later set them off anyway. you can still see them from where I live so we went outside and wathced them. It was a little bittersweet, but enjoyable nonetheless. Having a break from classes has been pretty nice. Hopefully more fun adventures will occur throughout the summer.
My classes aren't so bad though. I'm taking about 17 credits, which is a normal amount, but I don't seem to have the motivation that I need to my work in these classes. Here is my schedule:
Mondays and Wednesdays: Fashion Presentation Drawing 9-12, Fashion Design III 12-3
Tuesdays: Intro to Finance 10-12, History of Costume 5-7
Thursdays: Intro to Finance 10-12, World War II Comedy 6:30-9:30
So my schedule isn't too hard, especially with Fridays off. I just don't want to do anything. I'll gt back into the swing of things hopefully by the end of this week, because after this week, I will have a lot of work to do in a short amount of time. It will be bunches of fun.