Monday, July 16, 2007

Convenient Location

This weekend showed me how glad I am that Drexel has such a convenient location. I had to go to New York twice this weekend. Once was for my sportswear class. I needed to go fabric shopping, so a few of my friends from class and I drove up there to spend the day. First,we went to the Met to look at the Poiret exhibit. Then we headed to the fabric stores after that. After I got back to Philly, my roommates and I went to the movies, which is a mere ten minutes away, to see Harry Potter (which was pretty good for those of you who haven't seen it yet). It is just really easy to get around from where we are. All the highways have exits and entrances at or near 30th street. The second time I had to go to NY was for the Dispatch concert I went to on Sunday (which was awesome, by the way. Madison Square Garden, completely full, everybody singing along to the songs, so cool). We drove to a stop for NJ transit, and took the train the rest of the way in. It took two hours and $20. That's pretty good to go to NY for the day. Also, any time I need to go fabric shopping in Philly, the subway is really close, the trolley stops at the corner of my street, and everything is easy to navigate (unlike some NY transit). I have a new found appreciation for University City.

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