Monday, July 30, 2007


I moved this weekend. It was exhausting, sweaty, sweaty work, but now I have a room with windows that serve a purpose. (As opposed to a basement apartment where half of the window was underground) My room is fairly large, and I have a pretty sweet desk that my landlord didn't feel like moving. Now we just need the bathroom fixed and to finish moving the rest of the kitchen stuff, and my roommates and I will officially be moved into our new apartment. I'm pretty excited. It's definitely much nicer than our other apartment, which is just downstairs from where we are now. There are more windows, and the light isn't being blocked by other bulidings. The only downside is that when we go grocery shopping, we have to carry them up a flight of stairs. At least I'll be getting my exercise.
However, this weeekend was not a good moving weekend. I had a lot of work that I wanted to get done. However, after moving all my stuff up three flights of stairs (from the basement to the top floor all the way in the back), I didn't want to do anything else. So, I had to stuff everything I needed to do into one day. Needless to say, I didn't get much work done at all. This summer is going to be highly unproductive if I don't get my butt in gear.
One good point, tonight is another ice cream social for orientation, so free ice cream = happiness.

1 comment:

S said...

hi nessa!
yay for moving!!