Saturday, July 7, 2007

Fourth of July

This week was definitely eventful. I basically only had four classes all week long. It was awesome. I had to go to New York for fabric shopping, so I spent a day there sightseeing as well. Then, my roommates and I went to the shore to spend 4th of July. However, it rained a little and was overcast all day, so we ended up mini-golfing instead. It was still a lot of fun. We ccame back that night to see the fireworks at the Art museum. It was pouring rain so they cancelled it, only to later set them off anyway. you can still see them from where I live so we went outside and wathced them. It was a little bittersweet, but enjoyable nonetheless. Having a break from classes has been pretty nice. Hopefully more fun adventures will occur throughout the summer.
My classes aren't so bad though. I'm taking about 17 credits, which is a normal amount, but I don't seem to have the motivation that I need to my work in these classes. Here is my schedule:
Mondays and Wednesdays: Fashion Presentation Drawing 9-12, Fashion Design III 12-3
Tuesdays: Intro to Finance 10-12, History of Costume 5-7
Thursdays: Intro to Finance 10-12, World War II Comedy 6:30-9:30
So my schedule isn't too hard, especially with Fridays off. I just don't want to do anything. I'll gt back into the swing of things hopefully by the end of this week, because after this week, I will have a lot of work to do in a short amount of time. It will be bunches of fun.

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