Wednesday, August 8, 2007

Good Friends

So, this weekend has made me realize what good friends I have made during my time here at Drexel. Friday night, my roommate Regina and I hung out with some of our friends from Campus Crusade for Christ. A couple of them made dinner, adn we just ssat around talking for like 3 hours. If I didn't have a ton of work to do, we probably would have stayed even longer. Then on Sunday, I hung out with a graduate student from Drexel, Beth, that goes to my church. We just sat around and talked all day long. I didn't even get any work done because I was just having too good a time.
My roommates are awesome as well. To think that we were put together randomly, and we have gotten along so well over these 3 years. I can't imagine what life here would have been like without them. Even our friends that we meet seperately get along once they meet. For example, one of my friends, Jess, that I met through another friend was looking for a place to live after sophomore year. We toyed around with the idea of 7 of us living in a house together (me, my three roommates, Jess, and two of Regina's friends) but that didn't end up working out. So, me and my three roommates ended up finding a house, and Jess and Regina's friends found a house together. And now they are really good friends! A lot of random circumstances leading to great friendships. Even during orientation, I met some people that I am still friends with to this day. Drexel is just full of such cool people.

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