Monday, August 20, 2007

Senior Year

So this past week, I scheduled my classes for the fall. I can't believe it is senior year already. These past three years have just flown by, although sometimes it seems like it just inched by. So this fall I'm taking Fashion Design IV (Eveningwear, exciting!), CAD Patternmaking, Portfolio Review, Intro to Women's Studies ( I need humanities credits), an online math class, and Ballroom Dancing. It will be a full term, but hopefully it won't be too hard. I'm really looking forward to Ballroom Dancing. I've been wanting to take it since freshman year, and I never found the time. Unfortunately, my last year will be my hardest year, what with making my fashion show collection. However, I hope I can take the time to enjoy things while I can. Once I graduate, I will be a real person. I won't be able to come home for breaks. I'll need to find a real job, something to start off my career. I will have to start paying off loans. Ick. I love being a student. You can use the excuse of being a poor college student to get out of paying for things, buying people things, just generally being lazy. I'm going to miss that. But I am looking forward to working and making money.

Anyway, I'm getting ahead of myself. I still have a whole year to get through. Yay for senior year.

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